Dr. A.M. Khan

The association of parasites with their human and animal hosts is almost as old as the history of man itself. Diseases caused by parasites have plagued human civilizations since centuries as outbreaks of parasitic infections have historically taken a huge toll on human welfare.

It is only natural, therefore, that to reduce the global burden of parasitic diseases, and to eventually work towards their elimination from the face of the earth, education and research in the field of Parasitology should receive due attention.

The Indian Society for Parasitology (ISP) brings educators and researchers from various sub-disciplines of Parasitology under one roof

to advance knowledge in this vital area concerning human and animal health. Over the years, the Society has been at the forefront of providing a common platform to research scientists, clinicians, field biologists, academicians and all others involved in Parasitology or Tropical Medicine to share and exchange their knowledge and observations.

The field of Parasitology is an exciting one and can lead to professing of a rewarding academic career for someone trained adequately in the discipline. Myriad career options are present within this field since parasites have an effect on the world in multiple ways.

Properly trained and skillful parasitologists can lead worthwhile careers with interface at medicine and public health. Parasitologists work in such broad areas as Medical Parasitology, Agriculture, Aquaculture, Veterinary Parasitology, Wildlife and Fisheries Parasitology, Ecological and Systematic Parasitology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Parasites, Immunoparasitology etc. Besides qualified parasitologits can also work as Parasitology Educators.

As the President of ISP, I exhort all academicians ranging from students and teachers through early career scientists all the way up to immensely experienced professors and senior scientists to strengthen our hands by becoming life members and participating in the regular activities, scientific meetings and seminars conducted by the society. This will go a long way in contributing to our fight against parasitic diseases.

Dr. A.M. Khan (President)