ISP AWARDS Nominations
Nominations/applications are invited for various awards of the Society for 2024
Prof. M.B. Mirza Award is awarded to Young Scientists below 35 years of age. The award is based on the best publications of research work done in India. The award consists of a gold Medal, Certificate and Cash Prize of Rs 5000. The applicants are required to submit following information with application:
1 Nomination letter from ISP Life member and certificate of age proof.
2. Four copies of CV and list of publications.
3. Four copies of five best research publications.
The applicant must be below 35 years of age on or before 31.12.2023
Only members of the Society are eligible for consideration for the award.
Members are invited to nominate eminent researcher(s) in parasitology for this award. This award is given to an eminent researcher of parasitology for his outstanding contribution towards research in parasitology. Nominations are screened by a Committee of eminent scientists nominated by the President. The award consists of award plate, Certificate and Cash Prize of Rs 10000. The awardee has to deliver the Oration lecture at the next Congress of Parasitology.
Applicant should submit following details.
1. Four copies of CV along with list of publications.
2. Four copies of FIVE best research publications.
Only members of the Society are eligible for consideration for the award. The nomination should be done by life member of Society.
Members are invited to nominate eminent teacher(s) of parasitology for this award. This award is given to an eminent teacher of parasitology for his outstanding contribution towards teaching parasitology. The nominations are screened by an award committee nominated by the President of the Society. The award consists of award plate, Certificate and Cash Prize of Rs 10000. The awardee has to delivers his oration lecture at the next congress of Parasitology.
Applicant should submit following details:
1. Four copies of CV along with list of publications.
2. Four copies of FIVE best research publications.
Only members of the Society are eligible for consideration for the award. The nomination should be done by life member of Society.
Prof. Kona Hanumantha Rao Memorial Oration Award
Members are invited to nominate eminent researcher(s) in parasitology for this award. This award is given to an eminent researcher of parasitology for his/her outstanding contribution to the subject ‘Biosystematics and Diversity of Parasites’. The award consists of a gold medal and a certificate of merit. Nominations are screened by a Committee of eminent scientists nominated by the President. The award consists of award plate, Certificate and Cash Prize of Rs 10000. The awardee has to deliver the Oration lecture at the next Congress of Parasitology. Applicant should submit following details:
Applicant should submit following details:
1. Four copies of CV along with list of publications.
2. Four copies of FIVE best research publications.
Only members of the Society are eligible for consideration for the award. The nomination should be done by life member of Society.
Promising parasitologist of the country are given chance to present their research work during the young scientist award session of the Congress. This award is based on best paper presentation as judged on the basis of the quality of research and performance during presentation. The work must have been carried out recently in India. The presentations are judged by jury of peer scientists attending the congress. The award consists of a medal, certificate of merit and Cash Prize of Rs 3000. The upper age limit for this award is 35 years on 31st December, 2023. The parasitologists are invited to submit:
1. Full length paper and abstract of the paper to be presented
2. Attested copy of certificate of age.
In order to encourage active participation by members in Parasitology Congresses, the Society Introduced awards for best poster presentations. One poster from each section planned during the congress is selected for the award. The posters are judged on the quality of research, presentation and discussion. The award consists of Certificate and Cash Prize of RS 2000.
The Society will award six travel grants ( 3rd AC by Rail ) to Young Participants for attending the 32nd National Congress of Parasitology "HOST PARASITE INTERACTIONS, PARASITE GENOMICS AND HEALTH STRATEGIES to be held at PUNE, from October 3-5, 2024.
The applicant should submit following information to Secretary for consideration:
1. Letter from Supervisor / Head of Department for non receipt of any financial assistance by the applicant.
2. Copy of abstract to be presented in the meeting and its acceptance.
3. The travel money will be refunded to selected candidate upon providing the valid Rail Tickets ( from working place to the venue of the Congress).
4. The applications should reach Secretary , ISP, on or before 1.9.2024