Authors are requested to read these instructions carefully and follow them strictly to ensure efficient and quick review and publication of their paper. Manuscripts not prepared according to these instructions will be returned without processing.
Manuscript must be typed on white, good quality standard size bond paper. Thin onion skin or parchment papers are not acceptable. All manuscripts must be typed double spaced and pages should be numbered consecutively. The content should be arranged in following order:
Department(s) and Institution(s) Address
Materials and Methods
Acknowledgments and References
Abstract, tables and legends for figures should be typed on separate pages and not in continuation of the main text. At least one inch margin must be available on all sides of (the paper, including top and bottom, to provide room for editorial comments. Each of the following components. Each of the following components should begin on a separate page.
Title of the paper should be short and yet sufficiently descriptive and informative. Author(s) name(s) should include surname and initials and institutional address of all authors.
A short running title not exceeding 6-7 words should also be provided.
The abstract should be brief (about 200 words) and should indicate the scope and significant results of the paper. No references are allowed in the abstract.
3-5 keywords arranged in alphabetical order should state the scope of the paper, should be restricted to reasons for undertaking the present study and should be provided the most essential background.
Introduction should briefly review the existing literature, should state the scope of the paper, should be restricted to reason for undertaking the present study and should provide the most essential background.
The source of the material used should be clearly mentioned. The procedures adopted should be explicitly stated to enable other workers to reproduce the results. New methods may be described in sufficient details, established methods can just be mentioned with authentic reference(s) and significant deviation, if any given with reasons for adopting them.
Only such data are essential for understanding the discussion and main conclusions emerging from the study should be included. The data should be arranged in a unified and coherent sequence so that the report develops clearly and logically. Data presented in figures and tables should not be repeatedly summarized. The data can be presented either in the tabular or graphic form. Interpretation of the data should only be taken up under Discussion and not under Results.
The discussion should deal with interpretation of results without repeating information already presented under Results. It should relate new findings to the known ones and include logical deductions. Long, rambling discussion should be avoided. Recommendations may be included as part of the Discussion, only when necessary and relevant.
Acknowledgment should be brief and made for specific scientific, technological and monetary (grant) assistance.
List of references should include only published papers and papers in press. Citations of unpublished work should be incorporated in the text itself (Sharma el al unpublished data or Sharma et at. Personal communications). References in the text should be cited in chronological order, using 'and' for articles with two authors and et al for those with more than two authors and semi colon between references (Trager and Jensen, 1976; Sharma et al 1994). References at the end should be listed in strict alphabetical order and authors should ensure that all references cited in the text are in the list and vice versa. The following style should be followed:
References - Journal
Trager, W. and Jensen, J.B., 1976. Human malaria parasite in continuous culture. Science 193: 673-675. Cheever, A. W., Macedonia, J.G. Mosimann, J.E. and Cheever, E.A. 1994. Kinetics of egg production and egg excreted by Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum in mice infected with a single pair of worms. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiend 50: 281-285.
Reference - Books
Schaniz, P.M. and Kagan, I.G. 1980. Echinococcosis. In: Immunological Investigations of Tropical Parasitic Diseases. Houba. V (Edt.) ChurchillLiving stone, New Yori, pp 104-129.
Reference - Conferences
Mahajan, RC; Malla N; Stella M; and Ganguly NK 1995. Cysticercosis in India: Immunodiagnosis and Treatment. Paper presented at the Twelfth National Congress of Parasitology. Panaji, Goa, India, 23-25 January.
World Health Organization, 1984. The Leishmaniasis, Technical Report Series No. 701, Geneva, Switzerland.
Tables should be typed separately and numbered consecutively with Roman numerals (I, II, III etc). Each table should bear a brief title. Column headings should also be brief. Units of measurements should also be abbreviated and placed below the headings. Statistical measurement variations such as SD and SE should be identified. Numbers less than one should have a zero set before the decimal point (e.g. 0,1).
Three sets of illustrations should be submitted, numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals (1,2,3 etc.). Line drawings should be made on good quality art paper. Letters, numbers and symbols should be clear in figures and of sufficient size so that when reduced they can be accommodated in a single column (8.5 cm) or double column (17.5 cm) without loss of clarity. Title and explanation of symbols should be typed on separate pages. Data for tables, graphs etc. Should be carefully verified.
All statistical evaluations, percentage and other calculations should be checked thoroughly before submission of a paper. Once a paper is accepted for publication, data in it will be treated as final and no alterations will be allowed.
Photographs should be submitted in triplicate and should be unmounted and numbered consecutively. The title of the paper and author(s) and "Top" indicated with an arrow should be penciled on the back of each photograph. The photographs should be good quality prints on glossy paper, sharply focused showing good contrast to ensure high quality production. Their size should conform to a single (8,5 cm) OR DOUBLE (17.5 cm) column size. Symbols, arrows and letters should contrast with the background. Colour photographs are also accepted and authors will be charged for the same.
Legends for illustrations and captions for photographs should be typed double spaced on a separate page.
For enzymes, only the trivial names recommended by the IUPAC-IUB Commissions should be used. At the first citation in the text of the paper, its code number and systematic name should be indicated.
Only standard abbreviations are to be used. This should conform to the International System of Unit(s). The SI for the Health Professional, WHO, Geneva, 1977.
These should be prepared in a manner similar to research papers but should not be categorized with the subheadings as in the full paper.
This is the quickest way of ensuring publications. These should not exceed 500 words.